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Test Sheet List & Test Case List

From Apps menu, it allows you to show list views.


In the "TEST SHEETS" tab, you can find a list of test sheets (pages containing test macros), and from the action buttons on the right side, you can delete test sheets or reuse them (make a copy excluding test results).

Additionally, the "TEST CASES" tab displays a list of test macros.


It can be accessed from the Space menu.

When accessed from the Space menu, there is a Settings Tab. Here, you have the option to repair the Database.

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Columns of Test Sheet List and Test Case List




Confluence page title.

To edit the page title, double-click on the cell.


Displays the activities of each test case. Click the box to open the test macro in a dialog.

  • Green: All passed

  • Light Green: OK up to the tested point

  • Red: Fail present

  • Gray: Testing not started yet


  • The order of the boxes does not match the order in which they are placed on the page.

#Test Cases

The number of test cases.

If all test cases pass except the ones that are skipped, it will be displayed in a green box with white text


The total number of test steps


The total number of passed steps


The total number of failed steps


The total number of skipped steps


Last updated data and time

Parent Page Filter


The "Parent Page" field behaves as follows:

  • It specifies the parent page of the Test Sheets (this is how we refer to Confluence pages containing the Test Macro) to be displayed in the list.

  • If nothing is specified, all Test Sheets within the space will be displayed.

For example, if there are multiple levels of Confluence pages, each containing Test Sheets, you can specify the level you want to display.


  • Deletions of test pages other than the "Test Sheet List" will be reflected within approximately one hour

  • Regarding upgrades from previous versions:

    • In the app management screen, an update by the administrator is required.

    • Previously created test cases will not appear in the list unless some action is taken on the macro.

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