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Getting started

Create Test Case

  1. In a page edit mode, place "Test Case and Execution Macro" anywhere on the page.

    1. Type '/test' for a quick selection

  2. Press the "+Add Step" button within the test macro to add a test step.

  3. The Action column should contain the test operation and the Expected column should contain the expectation.


Execute test

  1. For each step, run the test and record the results in the Result column

  2. Editing the Result column will record the current date and time in the Tested date column

  3. To attach an image, drag and drop an image file into the Image column.

    1. Click on a thumbnail to open a preview. You can delete the attached image from the action menu in the top right-hand corner.


How to re-test

You can copy*1 a test sheet (Page) from the Test Sheet list for re-testing, with the fields related to the test run cleared.

スクリーンショット 2024-05-23 184153.png

[*1] Attachments will not be copied.

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